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Rosalynne Sarah Edwards

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Rosalynne Sarah Edwards Empty Rosalynne Sarah Edwards

Post by Arden Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:06 pm

First Name: Rosalynne (Rosie) Sarah
Family Name(last name): Edward
Age: 13
Gender: female
Description: Originally dark brown hair, she dyed it red-red. Its usually done in ringlets down to the middle of her back, or left in a messy ponytail she uses when she's too lazy to put it up. Her eyes appear different colors depending on the lighting, in darker lighting they seem hazel or a light brown, in birghter lighting they appear emerald green or a turqoise color. Its hard for her to tan, so her skin is generally pale. She is average hieght, about 5'6". Rosie wears things escribed as "wierd" usually, like Doc martens, ripped tights, riding gloves, skinny jeans, dark colors along with neon colors. Shes never seen without her signature choker necklace.

Neighborhood: From Oceanview originally, now lives with a family in Hillside
Siblings:None that she knows of, besides a younger brother thats not actually her brother, it's her new familes child. He's 4 and his name is Jacob.
Pets: An American Eskimo named Raven, it was a gift from her new family for her 12th birthday.

Life Biography (so far): Being only 3 when her parents were murdered, she scarecley remembers the event. She was at home with her mom playing with barbies when the men bursted through the door. Her mother screamed, her father yelled, and within the hour they were both violently mutilated upon the floor. Young Rosie was just hiding in the corner crying, bu the men mercilessly dragged her to the building with the other children. She stood by most of the other little kids for protection, and when the night was over she was given to a family in Hillside. Besides disturbing nightmares of her parents mutilated, and knowing that her parents were dead, she pretends that her life is normal and shes just adopted. Her adoptive parents are pretty normal people, besides fighting often. She has a little brother whom she babysits a lot, and doesn't have many friends.

Notes (if any): Shes veryheadstrong, and will say anything she thinks. She loves adventures and never thinks before she does something. She has a bad habit of getting into fights and constantly thinking shes right.


Posts : 129
Dollars : 137
Join date : 2011-07-02
Age : 27

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Rosalynne Sarah Edwards Empty Re: Rosalynne Sarah Edwards

Post by Kasi Sun Jul 03, 2011 9:19 pm

approvedd ~_~

Posts : 173
Dollars : 182
Join date : 2011-07-02

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