The Alternate Blake Street.
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Alexis Marie

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Alexis Marie  Empty Alexis Marie

Post by Kasi Sat Jul 02, 2011 2:29 pm

First Name: Alexis (Lexie) Marie

Family Name(last name): Harrison

Age: 12

Gender: girl

Description: Dirty blonde hair thats cut to about her collar bones, Dark hazel eyes (Look like Frank Iero eyes), medium skin tone that gets real dark if she's out in the sunlight too much. Likes to wear fall colors, red, brown, etc. . She usually wears skinny jeans and different colored combat boots to top her outfit off. She can be a real Bitch. but if your nice to her She'll be nice back. She's really outspoken and has a really dirty mouth, she seems to swear constanly. She had a quite a rebel attitude, always trying t find some sort of trouble. She has a secret tatoo on her hip bone of a large spider, (looks like the Danger Days Spider) underneath it says .A.M. for her two initals. She re fused to put her last name. Her parents were too uncaring to end up knowing about it.

Neighborhood: Mountain Park

Siblings: None (That She knows of)

Pets: None.

Life Biography (so far): She only remembers a glimpse, a glimpse of being taken, a glimpse of a dark haired stranger who she knew was more than just a random stranger, and a glimpse of seeing her parents burned to crisp in her old fashioned house. She kept those close memories with her. But the only thing Lexie didn't know, was that she ACTULLY had a brother. She stayed in her rich private school, with her RICH private friends, and her rich adoptive parents who didn't really care about her. Lexie, had a feeling though, that SOEMTHING was going to happen, but she had no idea what. At least, not yet.

Notes (if any):

Posts : 173
Dollars : 182
Join date : 2011-07-02

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